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Et postremo, the latest news in Latin

The website’s editor said publishing in Latin was “partly an intellectual game”
The website’s editor said publishing in Latin was “partly an intellectual game”

An Italian news website is offering what its editor claims is the world’s first daily news column in Latin.

Readers can check out the latest on President Trump, Turkish politics and the Virus Coronarium at the Linkiesta site, which is doing its bit to keep the dead language alive.

“It’s partly an intellectual game, partly a bid to appeal to the best in society, and I love seeing how new words are translated into Latin,” Christian Rocca, the editor, said.

The column is written by Francesco Lepore, 44, a former priest who once translated Papal documents into Latin at the Vatican before declaring his homosexuality, leaving the priesthood and writing articles on LGBT issues for the Huffington Post.

Since then he has used his expertise to write articles such a piece about the arrest for suspected fraud of Mr Trump’s former adviser, which starts: “Stephanus Bannon in custodiam conicitur: de fraude accusatur.”
